Wednesday, 17 February 2010


'We can't outrun our guilt. But we can out-drink it.
That was my selected course of action after I lost the one I loved. I lost her to a corrupted Empire, to people who considered themselves higher than others.


Looking back at the date when it happened I hold no recollection of how I felt. Or even what day it was and after all this time I can't be bothered to look it up. Just a scribbling on a paper that served as an iconic tombstone for my broken heart. I can't remember much from this last year either, my brain's close to fried and my sense of taste is nearly burnt out due to the amounts of alcohol consumed. This clone has endured worse than all the previous ones put together. And to think I first came to this world in order to avenge her. That was before meeting the Amarrian though. She pulled me out of drinking, nurtured my mind and body with words and promises. Real or not it doesn't really matter.

I look at myself in the mirror, dressed as an officer of the Empire's armies. Serving the very system that took her from me. My face's no longer pale, my hair's not as messy. I smell better and my body's recovering from all the torment I put it through. The alcohol has left my system and so has the flame in my eyes. And along with that flame so did my memories of her, sacrificial tribute to the Empire's altar so as to save my own skin. To find 'new reason to fight, new reason to kneel'. For the Empire. I wouldn't mind it, if it weren't for the mirrors. If it weren't for my reflection looking back at me. A sad, healthy creature whose eyes were as alien to his face as the uniform was on his skin.

Last night though my heart skipped a beat and my cheeks flushed. It wasn't out of love nor out of booze. Both such states would be wasted on my current state. It was due to sight of a friend's face. It was in her eyes, large beautiful gems upon a caring and strong face;Dressed in dark locks and pale skin that wore a scent of tiredness and freedom;It was in those eyes that I found my lost flame.The passion for a cause, for friends, for people. Everything the Gallente stand for.

Saviours come in many forms and circumstances. And both of mine came from exactly opposite worlds. With my soul tagging towards two different directions. Which one should I take.

To find the real me?'

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